Under the High Patronage of the Health & Food Safety Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis, the partners of the European FOOD programme organise a conference at the European Parliament on October 19th 2017.
This half-day event will be organised around two main sessions. The first one will present the results of the 5-year barometers of the programme launched simultaneously in the member countries towards thousands of employees and restaurant owners. These yearly surveys enable to collect data about habits and expectations of the target groups – employees and restaurants – regarding healthy eating offer and demand and monitor their evolution over the years. The second part will open a discussion about the opportunities and the potential of new technologies in supporting healthy eating promotion.
“New technologies supporting the promotion of healthy eating in the workplace” is a conference of the FOOD programme (Fighting Obesity through Offer and Demand)
- Thursday 19 October 2017 - 14 :00 – 17 :00
- 13:30
- Registration
- 14:00
- Opening speeches
- 14:30
5 years of the EU FOOD programme
- Presentation of the programme
- FOOD Barometers: key trends arising from employees and restaurants over the 5 years - 15:30
New technologies supporting balanced eating promotion: State of play and perspectives
- Key note speech
- The digital transformation of health in Europe
- Panel discussion - 16:45
- Conclusion