Virginie Torra

Virginie Torra|attribut_html

Senior Product Manager, EXKi

Mrs. Virginie Torra has been working for the past 15 years in Supply Chain and Food Service. She is leading since 2011 the Purchasing and Product Development projects for EXKi, the international chain of healthy fast-casual "grab-and-go" restaurants. EXKi Product Strategy being built on the moto “Nutrition Santé Gourmande = A Tasty and Healthy Nutrition”, nutrition aspects are a major criteria while building a new product gamma. She has put in place in the 80 restaurants composing the chain a real nutrition diversity throughout the different recipes, enabling EXKi customers to make coherent choices based on their believes or constraints. With regards to food transparency and allergens management, EXKi has been a pioneer and uses nutrition apps since its creation in 2001. She is also very focused on additional environmental criteria that could be coupled to nutrition facts while providing customer product information.

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Union Européenne Edenred Ministerium Frauen Gesundheit Lucia de Brouckère NutriChallenge Prevent Federal Public Service Plan National Nutrition Santé Stop Obesity Stadium Generale Civitatis PerusII Direção-Geral da Saúde Programa nacional de promoção da alimentação saudável Urad Verejneho Zdravotnictvs Academia Espanola de Nutricion y Dietetica Nyckelhålet City University London ENWHP

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